What is honey? Honey is a natural sweet substance that bees collect plant nectar, secretions, or nectar, and combine with their own secretions to fully brew.
What is honey? Honey is a natural sweet substance that bees collect plant nectar, secretions, or nectar, and combine with their own secretions to fully brew.
What is honey? Honey is a natural sweet substance that bees collect plant nectar, secretions, or nectar, and combine with their own secretions to fully brew.
What is honey? Honey is a natural sweet substance that bees collect plant nectar, secretions, or nectar, and combine with their own secretions to fully brew.
What is royal jelly? Royal jelly is a milky white, light yellow, or light orange substance secreted by the pharyngeal and maxillary glands of worker bees, mainly used for feeding queen bees and bee larvae. There is a noticeable sour, astringent, spicy, and sweet taste in the mouth, with a stimulating sensation in the upper jaw and throat.
Add:No. 38 Jingliu Weisan Road, Yantai High tech Industrial Park